Soul Count: 2,566
Initiate Count: 2,9989 - as of 12/08/22
Hikari Souls can be transferred into an ‘initiate’ through Gen-U, our interactive web experience.
How to claim your initiate:
1.Find a soul and check its current Gen-U progress. Some souls will be pending reveal and others may have already partially played Gen-U: [HERE](
2.Take your soul through Gen-U. In game actions determine your clan, gender and other features: [HERE](
3.Submit your Gen-U data before 4am EST and have it reveal within 24H!
Beginning with 5,555 Souls, Hikari is a collection of ‘initiates’ created by Jeez & ChainX.
A soul’s energy can be transferred into an initiate and raised within the Gen-U experience. The resulting art is generated based on in-game decision data.
Holders gain access to future collections, airdrops, comics, streetwear and playable characters within our MOBA: Legends of Hikari.
Welcome to the home of the misfits.