Game 0f L1fe #882

Game 0f L1fe #882

Not Listed

RGB Triplet

[1 1 1]


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Creator Royalties

Game 0f L1fe
The Game 0f L1fe is a zero-player game where it’s evolution is defined by it’s initial state requiring no further input. Each cell is defined numerically as either 1 (living) or 0 (dead). The game evolves based on three rules: Rule 1 - Any cell with less than two or more than three adjacent cells will die Rule 2 - Any cell with two or three adjacent cells lives on to the next iteration Rule 3 - Any cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes alive As each iteration passes the cell will either live, die, or comes to life based on the rules above. Three distinct patterns are consistent for each game: Still life - cells remain unchanged as each iteration passes Oscillator - cells return to an initial position after a certain number of iterations Spaceship - cells that translate or move throughout the grid