Enter the DOKOVERSE, is DOKOVERSE’s first NFT collection of 5,007 generated DOKOMON, which tells the story of a globally famous K-Pop star, DOKO, whom lives in NeoSeoul, during the year 2111. DOKO embarks on a journey through time, space, emotion, and the past in order to save the world, which has been overrun by a malificent AI, negative sounds, and low-vibrations. Along DOKO’s time-travel throughout history, he encounters allies whom give him artifacts, musical pieces, and special powers in order to create the perfect song which may override the ominous and nefarious AI.
By owning a DOKOMON, one has access to the DOKOVERSE - which comprises of themed global events & parties, K-Pop celebrity meet and greets, special K-Pop inspired AirDrops, AirDrop & WL rights for future collections, and beyond.
For more data about the project and our DOKOVISION roadmap, enter DOKOVERSE’s Digital, Quantum Portal - https://dokoverse.com/