Songs inspired by years and animals from the vault of time traveler Grandpa McBrill the 3rd, who is widely unknown for outlandish claims of inventing science, levitation and the music festival during a salvia trip in the year 1939 giraffe.
Grandpa tends to make appearances exclusively at Super Secret Band shows often claiming to have arrived via time travel using "nothing but science, and a good 'ole Sony dream machine!"Some concert goers however claim that they have seen Super Secret Band multi-instrumentalist Brill Ritter disappearing backstage shortly before Grandpa McBrill the 3rd shows up leading to rumors that Grandpa McBrill the 3rd actually is just Brill. While they both claim to know each other, the duo has never been seen at the same time in the same place further fueling the conspiracy. When questioned grandpa replied "Well..... LISTEN HEEEERRRRE! Once people invent the blockchain, put these songs on there and maybe you'll find out!"