**[as of 7/12](https://stake.jointheklub.io)**
**[70% staked &](https://stake.jointheklub.io)**
**[4000+ true owner count](https://stake.jointheklub.io)**
**[STAKE YOUR DASK NOW & START EARNING $KLUB](https://stake.jointheklub.io)**
The DASK is a community-driven collectibles project starting with a collection of 6969 Klub Members that give you membership access to The Klub:
路 Each DASK is a metaverse-ready 3d character.
路 DASK holders own 100% of the copyright of the NFTS.
路 Klub's members receive access to exclusive drops, merch, experiences, and more.
馃拃 This is just the begining - The Klub Rises 馃拃
Join the Klub.
https://discord.gg/u6WU8Ersut - https://twitter.com/The_DASK