Enigmatik #36

Enigmatik #36

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Enigmatik by Kali
The inspiration for Enigmatik came from a recent trip I took with some friends to the southern region of Argentina, where we camped for a few days by a lake nestled among the mountains and near a couple of rivers. I found the atmosphere of those landscapes fascinating during the nights. My work often explores the balance between the explicit and the hidden. The "world behind" represents what is concealed: underlying emotions and subtleties, perhaps influenced by deep memories or unrecognized realities. On the other hand, the "world ahead" portrays our immediate reality, illuminated and defined by the central figure. The shape acts as a bridge between these two realms, inviting the viewer to look beyond the obvious and delve into the depths of their own perception and understanding. This project is part of the Strange Skies group show with Dawn Contemporary on Alba.art