Timebox #109

Timebox #109

Not Listed

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Creator Royalties

NFT TimeBoxes — a secondary collection from TimeSoul, where you can only obtain NFTs by using project assets on the MysteryCave platform. How can you get an NFT TimeBox? In a special laboratory on the platform, using the Worried Meerkat, a rare TimeBox, and a Potion. NFT TimeBoxes provide unique opportunities within the TimeSoul project! Owning an NFT TimeBox grants the right to: - Sell/buy it on the secondary market - Store it on the MysteryCave platform, accumulate tickets, and receive prizes in the second-level lottery - Level up on the MysteryCave platform, influence characteristics, and create your unique NFT TimeBox - In the future, you can create a Capsule from the NFT TimeBox, which will be crucial in the TimeSoul app for earning tokens and other rewards - You'll also be able to use the NFT TimeBox in the app, but the details of how – we'll share that a bit later. Create your unique NFT TimeBox and get closer to TimeSoul: https://dapp.timesoul.com/.