*Certified* 10k Ton Carbon Offsets

*Certified* 10k Ton Carbon Offsets

Not Listed

Carbon Offsets

10,000 Ton's


Contract Address


Token ID
Token Standard
Creator Royalties

Tree Peace is a 501(c)3 that is offering a limited initial launch of NFT's backed by certified carbon credits. US taxpayers can claim a charitable contribution deduction for excess price paid over NFT's Fair Market Value. We are at a time where we should all be concerned about our carbon emissions. Offset your carbon footprint today! Become carbon neutral with us! 1. Purchase NFT that is backed by a Verified Carbon Unit (VCU), which is a certified carbon credit that is registered with https://verra.org/ 2. Once NFT is purchased It is explicitly linked to a carbon credit offsetting emissions, which is retired on its behalf. 3. Register to receive tax deductible letter and/or carbon credit certificate on Tree Peace Website. Only available with initial purchase from Tree-Peace. 4. Credit is retired when companies or individuals choose to purchase NFT to offset their emissions.