I spent three months over a couple of years waking up to this view for my morning meditation. Alone, save for my trusty dog Rupert, I'd watch the sun rise over Yellowstone in the distance pondering my Purpose in Life.
It came to me one day a few weeks later as I lay in bed after being hospitalized with Multiple Myeloma. I saw "the lights" one afternoon. As the room darkened around me and a soft yellow glow began to envelop me, this scene in the Centennial Valley came back to me. Once a summer hunting ground and meeting place for Indigenous tribes who once lived nearby.
It was then I knew that should I live, my Purpose would be to bring awareness to the Culture, Protocols, Kinship codes, and Love for Mother Earth of Indigenous Peoples. After all, Indigenous folks have kept themselves and the planet in good shape for an estimated 50,000 years.
We are all indigenous to somewhere.