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A few years ago I made the decision to leave the corporate world and move out of the city. We now live in the middle of nowhere in the very South of Africa. I like to call it “country bumpkinland and THIS… is where the wildflowers grow. I have a very strong emotional pull toward my late mom who was my best friend. A yearning to bring her quiet presence closer to me and embrace the simple beauties of life which I hold close to my heart because of her. She was an incredible artist and green fingers. If she wasnt out in nature, she was painting it. For her and for myself, I want to spend my days creating art that lifts my spirits and that of those around me. That is what inspires this collection. It will become an ongoing visual diary - whimsical depictions of the beauty which I am blessed to be surrounded with here on a daily basis and artistic expressions of the facets of life which keep my soul alive and deepen my connection to the things which truly matter.