All the way from the Scotish Highlands, please welcome - **Nessies**!
Lake Loch Ness is measured to be 755 ft in depth, but there are rumors about a crevice that reaches as deep as 889 ft.
**Nessies** will range from common to extremely rare. There will be mini limited series within the collection.
Some descriptions will contain tell tales and fun facts about the mysterious creature.
**Total Supply:** 598
**The Loch Ness Collection:** *More commonly found, "regular" Nessies.*
**The Crevice Collection:** *Animated, super rare, and collaborative Nessies.*
The supply will be released in a completely random fashion, NOT in numerical order. The pricing model will go by the number of Nessies minted - not their corresponding #'s.
We hold the rights to price collaborative and "mini-series" Nessies at what we deem proper.