A unique and artistic 100 piece generative collection, created by JDNfts using comprehensive Artificial Intelligence. Each image is one of a kind and has been infused using many different image themes and compositions.
Users can download their images in 4K resolution, and may also request large HD Metal Prints for their wall.
What can you see, in the Ethereal Realm?
The Cosmic Collection: [OpenSea Cosmic Collection by JDNfts](https://opensea.io/collection/cosmic-art-by-jake)
⭐ If you are a Cosmic Art Holder, you are eligible for x1 free A.I Ethereal Realms mint! (Drop a message in Discord)
Instagram: [@jakedaviesphotography](https://www.instagram.com/jakedaviesphotography/)
Twitter: [@jdnfts.eth](https://twitter.com/jdnfts)