OG Guilded Gamer Zombie

OG Guilded Gamer Zombie

Not Listed

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Token ID
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Creator Royalties

Guilded Gamers OG Collection
The OG Guilded Gamer NFT’s are a collection of Zombie Gamers raised from the dead to reunite with their Gamer Crew to wreak havoc in the Metaverse & beyond. Owning a OG Guilder Gamer NFT entitles the holder to the following benefits. 1. One free mint from the Guilded Gamers official collection when we launch. 2. Access to the GG OG Chat in Discord launching soon. 3. A free Guilded Gamers Hoodie or Sweatshirt on release of our merch 4. OG GG free partner NFT airdrops Remember, this entitles you to a full Guilded Gamers token on release date so not only will you have one of those but you’ll have a super rare first 100 OG Guilded Gamers NFT! The Guilded Gamers aim to become one of the biggest names in the world for Play To Earn NFT assets and Metaverse Gaming Assets, come join the ride!