X7 Pioneer # 22

X7 Pioneer # 22

Not Listed

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Creator Royalties

X7 Pioneer
In the beginning, X7 was a stranger. Information was scarce. Speculation was high. A small number of DeFi pioneers found the messages and vision emanating from the blockchain compelling. These pioneers took a leap of faith and supported the project. As thanks, each one of these pioneers has been airdropped a single X7 Pioneer NFT. In perpetuity the holder of an X7 Pioneer NFT can withdraw ETH from a reward pool. The reward pool is funded through the various revenue streams in the X7 ecosystem. It will receive 6% of the profit from the ecosystem. Any pioneer wishing to sell their NFT must pay an unlock fee of 0.07 ETH to permanently unlock the NFT for transfers. If you are a pioneer, thank you! If you are a new explorer that has found your way to these NFTs, welcome!