Lunar Flare Group ATM DCNFT

Lunar Flare Group ATM DCNFT

Not Listed

Lunar Flare Group ATM DCNFT



Contract Address


Token ID
Token Standard
Creator Royalties

Lunar Flare Groups’s Decentralized Capital NFT is a revolutionary way of letting decentralized holders of an NFT participate in capital raises for traditional investing that most typical aren't allowed to partake in. Traditional investment groups often require a minimum investment of $100K to join the group. With DCNFT's, Lunar Flare Group has created a way for participation from a micro standpoint. What was an unobtainable amount is now just a few hundred dollars to get in. The company is registering the LLC with the SEC as a security and using each collection as funding for a producing asset. The returns from the producing asset get split between buying LFG to send to the NFT holders and buying more of the same producing asset. Because there is always more assets being bought but no need to raise more money, the returns compound over time. This is something that can be passed down in you family for generations.