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Chapter 1: The Sealing of the Gods and Demons In the ancient land, the gods and demons were known for their immense power. However, this power was too great for the land to bear, and so the gods and demons were sealed away in a magical mirror to prevent their destruction of the world. Chapter 2: The Burning of the Seal But as the world changed, so did the seal on the mirror. The skies grew dark, the ground shook, and the people of the land knew that something was about to happen. And then, the heavens opened up, and a divine fire rained down, burning away the seal on the mirror and releasing the gods and demons from their prison. Chapter 3: The Creation of a New World The gods and demons emerged from the mirror, their power radiating outwards, and they knew that they could not stay in the ancient land any longer. And so, they set out to create their own world, one where they could live without fear of harming the land. With their powers combined, the gods and demons created a new