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See here young Degen, Dr. Plankenboosh potters around his laboratory. Months of eating nothing but raw bear (the market, it's a bear market joke) has driven Dr. Matty La Frankboosh quite mad. Into this new Halloween Special Collection, Dr. Frankenboosh has poured his creativity, his madness and his time (I had an afternoon free). Having created the Plankensteins on possibly the sunniest autumn day of the year, and thusly being unable to harness the traditional lightning storm, pathetic fallacy, trope of the original Dr. Frankenstein; he had to resort to more rudimentary methods. So plank the Lord and praise the biscuits for latex (that's what he said). Here now, witness the electrifying dance of Dr. Frankenboosh's balloon lightning as it rains down upon 313 re-animated Planks and marvel at what an afternoon's degenning can birth unto the blockchain. Presenting, PLANKENSTEINS! Become part of the Planks Family with this Halloween Special.