'the pixels inc' is the first **interactive** pixel PFP collection. Click on the pixels to try out the **interactivity!**
**Holder count is not accurate due to staking.**
Built by the dude, who brought you 'the dudes'. ‘the pixels inc’ is generated randomly at mint. An evolving collection as new accessories, traits and experiences called **extensions**, can be added to the pixels without introducing new NFTs. Each pixel generates **$INT** through both active/passive staking. **$INT** can be spent to extend and customise your pixel. Visit [int.art](https://int.art/) to learn more!
**To customise your pixel background please visit [extensions](https://app.int.art/the-pixels-inc-extensions/about) page.**
Other Collections:
[the dudes](https://opensea.io/collection/thedudes)
[the duds](https://opensea.io/collection/theduds)
[the abstract dudes](https://opensea.io/collection/the-abstract-dudes)
[int art factory](https://opensea.io/collection/int-art-factory)