4242 unique ERC-721 tokens, randomly generated from over 450 traits are waiting for you to awaken them from their cryostasis sleep. All traits were hand drawn on paper, scanned and then digitally colored, giving our genesis NFT collection a unique charm that stands out from purely digital collections. By owning these NFTs, you gain exclusive access to my narratives and merchandise while actively supporting the ongoing development. Other benefits such as the upcoming soft staking, free sweepstakes, exclusive features and tools for our holders will sweeten the wait for the free digital light novels. Join our Discord community to learn even more about your holder benefits.
Immortal Parasite was founded to create a multi-layered web3 NFT brand that tells exciting stories and produces high-quality products for its community. 75% of the profits go directly into the development of our products and back to the community in the form of prize money and cashback.