I woke up to a collection that straight up copied our art and changed the name to "Not A Degen" and rugged 2 ETH from it.
WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH IT and whoever did this please return the funds to whoever minted your scam collection.
This is the scam collection with stolen art: https://opensea.io/collection/not-a-degen-project
I do not want any affiliation with that project.
Refunds for Okay Doodle Degens secondary buyers are done via https://etherscan.io/address/0x409f6883db7cd887bcf783c9628b2aa01dcf4591
I would also like to apologize for wasting you guys' minting gases and etc back in 2022. I've abandoned this project and I deeply regret doing so. I hope for you can forgive me.
- Deployer