Haunted House #25

Haunted House #25

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Haunted House

Song Edition


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WesGhost - Haunted House
The second official WesGhost release "Haunted House" is a continuation of my story through the sounds inside my head. I’ve always loved scary movies as a kid & I often wondered why the world- myself included- is so fascinated by terrifying things. Perhaps seeing bad things happen in movies allows us to escape the bad things happening in our own lives. Maybe there's something about the thrill of our fight or flight response that exhilarates us in times of fear. But what happens when life itself feels like a scary movie that you just can't seem to escape? This song is about breaking outside of the limits the world puts us in & escaping the haunting inside of our own heads. Influenced by my love for 90s/00s electronic & hip hop, “Haunted House" is the 2nd installment inside the mind of a ghost.