Primes #4751

Primes #4751

Not Listed

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Token Standard
Creator Royalties

The [MathBlocks Primes]( collection is a long-running experiment involving math, art and game theory, unfolding over decades. Primes—the first 1900 [prime numbers]( 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, ..., 16381 that are smaller than 2¹⁴—are immutable, on-chain generated SVGs running on Ethereum. 100% Solidity, no external dependencies on IPFS or any other 3rd parties. Primes can breed, that is, get multiplied together, creating Composites: 14483 [composite numbers]( up to 2¹⁴. There is a 24 hour breeding cooldown period, rendering Primes a coordination game that will span over decades. Check out [our website]( for more details on game rules and design. As long as Ethereum exists, Primes will also exist. Their simple design ensures that they will withstand hundreds of years of cultural evolution and be recognized by many generations to come.