Jiku Halloween Coin 2293

Jiku Halloween Coin 2293

Not Listed

Contract Address


Token ID
Token Standard
Creator Royalties

The first public Jiku drop. Jiku is doing things against the grain, trying to change the industry standards of web3 for the better. Instead of minting a collection to only see that it fails to completely mint out, the Jiku standard allows for each user to be accounted for before the art is even generated. This coin is the first drop of many, but it is also the first drop testing this standard. Every mint of this collectible coin, will allow the users to take part in the follow up mint, in the form of a free mint. This coin is for the first Halloween drop from Jiku, and anybody who mints this coin will get the Halloween drop for free. 25 coins will be minted extra in case of errors with WL, if none they will be given away on X in the next week ! There will be no extras on the Halloween PFPs.