Toobins Charm #673

Not Listed

Contract Address


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Creator Royalties

Toobins Run, powered by The Worm NFT
PROOF teamed up with The Worm ( to create Toobins Run, a "share-to-mint" experience just for Moonbirds! **This collection page will serve as a home for all Toobins Charms, but none can be sold. Please don't attempt to buy or sell your Charms since they are WALLET BOUND!** Toobins will travel through the Moonbirds community, leaving behind a wallet-bound Toobins Charm NFT in each wallet. Find Toobins under "Current Holder" at the bottom of! To participate, follow Toobins and connect with fellow holders to get on the list. When you have Toobins, you can simply transfer it to the wallet (or delegated hot wallet) of any other Moonbird. Once Toobins leaves your wallet, a WALLET-BOUND Toobins Charm will be left in its place!