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FREE MINT LIVE HERE : Punks721: A Satirical Take on CryptoPunks and ERC-721 Punks721 is a tongue-in-cheek NFT collection that humorously highlights the evolving landscape of NFT protocols, particularly focusing on CryptoPunks. In a world where CryptoPunks, initially a groundbreaking project, have become just another ERC-721, Punks721 playfully demonstrates the lack of substantial differences. With a dash of satire, Punks721 invites users to "Wrap, unwrap, or migrate your CryptoPunks to the CryptoPunks721 official CryptoPunks wrapper contract." The project's website, with its clever tagline, encourages users to connect their wallets and get started on this amusing journey. Through Punks721, you're poking fun at the notion that CryptoPunks, once considered pioneers in the NFT space, are now merely a part of the broader ERC-721 ecosystem. It's a creative way to comment on the changing dynamics of NFTs and the evolving standards within the crypto world. So, dive into Punks721, have a laugh, and explore the blurring lines between what was once considered unique and what has become part of the mainstream.