inBetweeners Mystery Box #3217

inBetweeners Mystery Box #3217

Not Listed

Mystery Box



Contract Address


Token ID
Token Standard
Creator Royalties

The inBetweeners Mystery Box is a tool that puts bear holders in the position of power to redeem a bonus gift that suits their needs and wants. Over time, a variety of rewards can be found within the box - available to be redeemed at different opportunities. The key to activating your box, is holding an inBetweeners Bear NFT. Keep in mind, when you open a mystery box - your mystery box will be burned and you will never be able to open it again. The inBetweeners project is being built with full focus on the collection of 10,777 bears. Partnerships, access and utility to come for inBetweeners is with the bears themselves and will always be the priority. Think of the mystery box as a bonus gift that you can redeem along the way. The more bears you hold, the more reward opportunities you qualify for.