Elven Settlement #32
Not Listed
Origin Coordinates
198, 198
***Welcome to the Elvenverse***
*Ethernal Elves* Settlements is a collection of 1000 plots of land. Each plot measures the same acreage and needs to be developed before it is of any use to the Ethernal Elves.
The game is gasless and free to play. You need at least three Sentinels and one Elder to play effectively.
** Explore the Elvenverse**
Sentinels: https://opensea.io/collection/ethernalelves
Elders Collection: https://opensea.io/collection/ethernalelves-elders
Artifacts Collection: https://opensea.io/collection/ethernalelves-artifacts
Loot Collection: https://opensea.io/collection/ethernalelves-loot
More about the Elvenverse: https://www.ethernalelves.com/