“...an idea, a history and a transformative economic contribution to human civilization – will propagate long into the future. Like a digital time capsule.” Visualizing the history of Bitcoin. Data-based NFTs carved carefully on Ethereum.
100% on-chain: interact with contract, restyle, owner address stamped on piece.
[Detailed summary and owner's guide](https://takenstheorem.medium.com/the-coin-f66bc3bfaae2)
[Example CSS mods](https://takenstheorem.medium.com/162-bytes-of-css-bddaa7af9bc4)
[Semantic contract tool](https://takenstheorem.medium.com/token-update-2084-d2540e6a7cb)
Mint [layer_two](https://opensea.io/collection/layer-two-by-takens-theorem) tokens
*Terms, conditions*: This is an experimental project, use at your own risk. Each token provided as-is and as-available without any and all warranty. By using this contract you accept sole responsibility for any and all transactions involving the_coin. Ownership rights are specified on each token's metadata.